The symphony of dream

In night’s silence memory of you stays

A bittersweet reminder of love’s fleeting days

I try to forget, but words flow like a stream

A torrent of longing, a symphony of dream

In dreams, I hold you close, my arms around your waist

The warmth of your touch, the beat of your heart’s pace

I feel the world slow down, as our love takes flight

In the stillness, I’m lost in the light of your eyes

But hey, the dawn arrives, reality’s cold grasp

Takes hold of my heart, and my soul’s distant past

I’m left with only tears, and the ache of what could be

The longing to be with you, wild and carefree

Time slips away, irretrievable and fast

And your heart remains distant, as if we were never meant to last

But still I hold on to the memories we’ve made

And in the darkness, I’ll forever be held in this shade

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